Education or training, work and economic independence are key factors for integration in Switzerland. Those who pursue vocational education and training, have better opportunities to find a good job, develop personally and integrate in society. Young and adult immigrants are welcome to contact the cantonal and regional vocational guidance and information centres:
Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatungsstellen
(Vocational, educational and career guidance offices in Switzerland. Available in German, French, Italian and Romansch)
Cantonal and communal integration agencies also provide advice and information:
Ansprechstellen für Integration in den Kantonen und Städten
(Available in German, French and Italian)
(These documents are available in German, French and Italian)
Pilotprogramm Integrationsvorlehre
(Pre-apprenticeship pilot programme to support integration)
Kantonale Integrationsprogramme: Sprache und Bildung
(Cantonal integration programmes: language and training)
Kantonale Integrationsprogramme: Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit
(Cantonal integration programmes: employability)
Last modification 27.04.2021