
European Police Chief Convention

Using networks to fight networks: today criminals operate across borders more than ever. Therefore, the European Police Chief Convention is bringing together senior police officials from various countries for the 14th time to discuss developments and innovations in the ever-changing world of policing. The Swiss delegation - represented by fedpol and the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security - profited from the various opportunities for exchange, which are essential for the security of Switzerland and the whole of Europe.

The Federal Council adapts the Ordinance on Measures for the Protection of Minorities

The Confederation may provide financial support for various measures taken by organisations to support the safety of minorities with special protection needs. Applications for construction and technical measures can now be submitted at any time due to unforeseeable security risks. In this way, the Federal Council enables a better response to changes relevant to the safety situation.

Passenger Name Records Act

The use of data on airline passengers (passenger name records PNRs), has already proven effective in other countries for fighting terrorism and other forms of serious crime. If Switzerland is to be able to use this efficient instrument, it needs to enact the required legislation. On 15 May 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the Passenger Name Records Act and forwarded it to Parliament.

fedpol: on duty for Switzerland – all the time & everywhere

Wars, polarisation, hatred, anti-Semitism, racism and climate change. fedpol operates in the midst of it all. Switzerland is not an island and, as a rich country in the heart of Western Europe, is not spared cross-border organised crime, economic and digital crime, violent extremism or terrorism. The fedpol Annual Report 2023 allows us to peer into the abyss of serious crime in Switzerland.

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